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Our schools can accept referrals for pupils with social, emotional, and mental health (SEMH) needs and mild to moderate learning disabilities.

The admissions arrangements to Woodside School are transparent and apply equally to all placing authorities. We do not accept direct referrals from schools and alternative providers and are not an approved provider under section 41 of the Children and Families Act, which means that we are able to choose whether to agree to a placement or not.

Referrals should be sent via email

Visiting the School

Woodside School is delighted to welcome visits from pupils, parents, social workers, local authorities and other interested parties. Please call the school office on 0208 050 0735 to make arrangements.

School Term Dates

Woodside School is open for pupils 52 weeks of the year, apart from statutory bank holidays.


Fees are available on request and will be based on the assessment of each pupils’ individual needs. 

Should a pupil leave without prior written notice or not as a result of a review, then 6 weeks (half a term) fees in lieu will be required. Notice to leave the school must be in writing and the 6 weeks (half a term) will be charged from the date of the letter of notice.

Exam Results

During academic year 2023-2024 there were five pupils on roll all within key stage 2 and key stage 3.  Therefore, there are no exam results to report for the period 2023 – 2024.

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