Provision for pupils with special educational needs
All pupils at Woodside school have special educational needs. All EHCP’s are reviewed on an annual basis or as and when required. These reviews normally take the form of a meeting between the funding authority, teachers, parents and other relevant people.
Provision for pupils with English as Additional Language (EAL)
At Woodside School, every pupil is equally valued and given equal opportunities in all aspects of school life, regardless of background, gender, race, religious belief, or disability. It is our role to find ways to include all. We celebrate diversity and strive to build a staff team with a wide range of backgrounds, experiences, and interests.
For pupils whose first language is not English, we provide translation support to ensure they can fully engage with their education, including the use of non-verbal strategies where needed. Additionally, if a parent or carer is not fluent in English, we can arrange translation services for educational meetings to ensure clear communication and support
Careers Guidance
Woodside School works closely with the local career’s information, advice, and guidance team, arranging careers meetings and interviews for Key Stage 4 pupils, where appropriate. We also have links with colleges in and around the local area, helping to support pupils into further education.
In addition, we coordinate and monitor work experience placements for Key Stage 4 pupils, where appropriate, providing valuable hands-on learning experiences.
Our ultimate goal is to ensure that every pupil leaves Year 11 or Year 12 with a positive next step, whether that be further education, training, or employment.
Counter Bullying
Bullying, whether that is in person or online, can seriously affect someone's physical and mental health. Sustained bullying can cause stress, emotional issues, social problems, physical disorders and in some serious cases, self-harm or even death.
Woodside School is committed to providing a caring, friendly and safe environment for all of our pupils. Through our PHSE and drama lessons, we encourage pupils to recognise and explore the impact of bullying. By doing this, we believe that we can encourage pupils to reflect and take ownership of their actions in order to reduce the likelihood of harm to others.
A copy of the school’s policy on bullying is available on request.
Health & Safety
The school has health and safety policies and procedures in place. It is the Head of School’s responsibility that the policy is implemented, monitored and reviewed at regular intervals.
A copy of this policy is available on request.